Disney Store Tsum Tsum vs. Target Tsum Tsum
Tsum Tsums are officially sold at Disney Store and Target. The quality and appearance between a Disney Store Tsum Tsum and a Target Tsum Tsum are quite different. We did a comprehensive comparison between the two. Tsum Tsums sold at Target are generally slightly bigger, more stiff, and have different tags.
Mickey Mouse Tsum Tsum
Disney Store (Left) vs. Target (Right)
The Disney Store Mickey has a more vibrant colored face compared to the Target Mickey. The Disney Store Mickey has bigger eyes and nose than the Target Mickey. Also, the Disney Store Mickey’s ear is soft and flexible while the Target Mickey’s ear is stiff.
The Disney Store Mickey is slightly smaller but softer than the Target Mickey.
The Disney Store Mickey has a much duller red than the Target Mickey which is more vibrant.
The Disney Store Mickey bottom is white compared to the Target Mickey which is dark red. The arm and feet on the Disney Store Mickey are much softer.
Donald Duck Tsum Tsum
Disney Store (Left) vs. Target (Right)
The Disney Store Donald has a bigger and lighter blue hat. The blush on the Target Donald is much more noticeable. The Target Donald also has a bigger bow tie than the Disney Store Donald.
The Disney Store Donald is slightly smaller but softer than the Target Donald.
The arm and feet on the Disney Store Donald are much softer.
Eeyore Tsum Tsum
Disney Store (Left) vs. Target (Right)
The Disney Store Eeyore has a smaller nose imprint. The Disney Store Eeyore is a little brighter than the Target Eeyore. The Target Eeyore’s hair is a little more spread out and brighter than the Disney Store Eeyore.
The Disney Store Eeyore is slightly smaller but softer than the Target Eeyore.
The Disney Store Eeyore’s tail is attached horizontally while the Target Eeyore’s tail is attached vertically. The Target Eeyore has a much longer and larger tail. The end of tail on the Target Eeyore is much darker and the bow tie is more vibrant than the Disney Store Eeyore.
The arm and feet on the Disney Store Eeyore are much softer.
Disney Store Tags vs. Target Tags
Disney Store (Left) vs. Target (Right)
Tsumali • January 22, 2016 •
Thank you for the compare! I noticed the same thing and thought it was just my imagination. The Disney Store Tsums are made so much better!
Heather • January 22, 2016 •
Yes it is crazy. Many collectors I have found refer to the Target (also now JCPennys and Walmart) tsums as the Disney Collection tsums. It’s almost like its own collection. In regards to comparisons I have even noticed a difference in quality between the Disney parks verse the Disney store/disneystore.com!